Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #2

Today was our second snow day.  We will be having another snow day tomorrow -- Jacob told me he wants me to stay home tomorrow even if schools aren't canceled.  Sounds good to me!  Our street is a huge snow drift with deep ruts.  I honestly don't know how I'd get my little car down the street without getting stuck.  Our side street, which has a lot of heavy traffic, is still snow covered.  I'm more than happy with not having to get out in it another day.  We took the boys outside to play for a little bit today and Jacob has been working hard to try and clear the driveway so he can get out if the university is open tomorrow. 

We had a lot of fun outside in the snow.  It's always so pretty when everything is covered in white.  It was bitterly cold so we didn't stay out too long, but I thought I'd share some pictures from our second day of being "snowed in." 

The boys when we first went outside

The boys and me enjoying the snow

Jacob shoveling snow in the driveway

Logan making a snow ball -- the boys had fun throwing snow at each other

Alex made a snow angel and then said, "Now I'm going to make a snow monster!"  He started wiggly and moving all over the place.  It was funny.

Me -- freezing while the boys played in the snow.  LOL

There was a large snow drift by the driveway.  It was almost as tall as Logan -- it went up to his eyes.  I had him stand in front of it to show how tall it is. 

Boys having a snow ball fight

 Alex ready to sled down the hill.  The boys were excited about it, but it didn't work because there was too much snow.  They were disappointed, but thought throwing snow balls was just as fun!

Logan all bundled up.  We came in after about 20 minutes or so to warm up.  We had hot chocolate and then the boys asked if they could play the Wii.

The boys playing the Wii after running around in the snow -- Alex wouldn't take his hat off!

The house smells like chili, which is cooking in the crock pot for dinner tonight, and we are just enjoying hanging out on our second snow day!  Here's to a third! LOL


  1. Looks like you guys are having tons of fun. Stay warm.

  2. It looks like you guys had a blast! I wish I was "allowed" to get out of this house! Seth is worried I will slip and fall. Being stuck inside is NO fun!!
