Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentines Day

Logan and I decided to make a special little treat for dessert last night since it was Valentines Day.  We got the boys a toy and some candy and they received gifts from their grandparents.  It was a fun day.  Jacob and I agreed to not exchange gifts, but he thought to make a funny card for me -- which I loved.  I thought I'd share some pictures of the boys from Valentines Day.

The wallets the boys received in the mail from their Bleu and Boompa for Valentines Day.

There was $5 in each of their wallets.  Alex also put a picture of Spider-Man toys he wants in his wallet.  They were really excited about them.  They put them in their pockets and kept showing us that they had wallets in their pockets.

Logan with his wallet -- showing me his $5

The boys with the toys we gave them as part of their Valentines Day treat.  Alex received a Spider-Man riding on a motorcycle and Logan received a wrestler named Suicide -- we call him Sam (for obvious reasons). 

The cute and funny card Jacob made for me -- it was funny AND sweet!  I loved it!

Logan enjoying the Valentine treat he suggested -- strawberry jello with whipped cream

Alex eating his treat and giving me a thumbs up.  Ha.

Alex had whipped cream all over his face and wanted to show me so he turned around and stuck his head through the curtain in the kitchen (where I was) -- it was so cute!

I hope you all had as much fun on Valentines day as we did!! 


  1. The boys look so cute. Glad the errant wallet arrived and that Alex and Logan like the wallets. Bleu was starting to wonder if she had put the incorrect address on one of the packages!!

  2. So are Bleu and Boompa not the greatest thing ever? Wallets were a fun idea for the boys and I know they loved them! I heard all the comotion while I was on the phone with you! And the card Jacob made, well it's hilarious! What a sweet man you have!
