The boys and I spent yesterday with several different people--people we haven't seen in about a month. My best friend's baby shower was a few weeks ago. I didn't make it to her shower because we had so much snow here that I couldn't even get my car out of the garage. So, we made plans to meet for lunch and then hang out at Denisa's house for a bit yesterday. She made cupcakes just so the boys could decorate them--they were SO good! The boys got to play outside at her house and Alex loved it! Denisa and her husband have acres and acres of land--and a big blue tractor that the boys thought was cool. It was a lot of fun. We then went to my parents' house. We hung out there for a couple of hours or so and were able to see my grandma as well as my brother and nephew, Kyler. The boys played outside there as well. My dad raked up a huge pile of leaves and played in the leaves with the boys--I'm not sure who had the most fun, the boys or my dad! Jacob and I also took the boys to the park to play basketball this weekend. Jacob even went outside and played catch with me today--I love playing catch and it was nice of him to play with me (since you can't really play catch on your own). It has been a fun weekend and I thought I'd share some pictures--a few I stole from Denisa, but I think she expected that. Ha.

The boys decorating cupcakes at Denisa's house.
Mmmm . . . cupcakes!!
Here is a picture of Alex and Logan with my best friend, Denisa. She kind of likes them--just a little. Ha
Logan, me, and Denisa
Alex and Logan petting Denisa's dog, Riley. He's the sweetest dog!
My dad and Alex--Alex was eating M&Ms he got from Denisa. He was sharing them with his Poppy--it was very sweet.
Playing on the swing set at Nana's and Poppy's
My dad raked up a bunch of leaves so the boys could jump in them. They did this for about an hour and loved every minute of it!
My dad even jumped in the pile of leaves with the boys a few times, which was hilarious.
Running toward the pile of leaves to jump in! They had a blast--and were filthy by the time we left. Ha
Having a leaf fight with Poppy
We played basketball at the park--as you can see, everything was damp (that made it more interesting).
How cute! I'm glad you guys had such a great time this weekend!