Friday, January 21, 2011

Eew!! Germs!!

Logan and I had a conversation about germs this morning.  Logan asked if germs walked and talked.  I got this image of our house being overtaken by little green germs wearing war gear, carrying weapons, and laughing at us.  They outnumber us and try as we may, we can't seem to fight them off or outrun them. 

 It all started last Friday when Alex didn't feel well.  He ended up with a fever and was sick with a fever on Saturday and Sunday.  Monday evening I was running a fever and feeling like a massive cold had just hit me on the head with a metal garbage lid.  I took the boys to school on Tuesday and when I picked them up they both had fevers.  Double ugh!  I kept them both home on Wednesday -- where they ran, jumped, wrestled, and were VERY loud.  I tried to get them to rest but my efforts were ignored.

On Thursday the roads were icy so there was no school.  Logan still had a fever but Alex seemed fine.  We had done NONE of Alex's homework for the week so yesterday afternoon was used to catch up on all of Alex's homework.  Alex was less than thrilled.   It was Kindergarten math homework so it was fun and creative, but I still didn't feel well and our goal was just to get it done.  Who enjoys doing homework anyway, right? 

Sometime in the night the germs regrouped.  High pitched, creepy, germ-y laughter filled the house as they attacked once again. I imagined them marching and chanting in small armies. Jacob woke up feeling sick to his stomach in the middle of the night.  He woke up this morning still feeling bad but hadn't gotten sick and had no fever so he went to work.  He is going to try and come home early so he can rest this afternoon. 

Somewhere in our house the germs are laughing. 

I have pulled out my automatic Lysol gun and plan to go through the entire house in hopes of eliminating all the germs in the house.  This respiratory thing lingers. (Did anyone else just have a Cranberries song pop into their head?  Oh no!  I hope it doesn't get stuck there . . . ) I feel like the germs are mocking us, playing with us, and there is laughter.  Hopefully we will all be better by Monday and life will return to normal. 

Until then, our lives will be filled with Vitamin C, Mucinex, Sudafed, Tylenol, Cough syrup, Halls, Germ-X, Lysol, and a lot of juice and water. 

Oh, yeah, and we hope to put an end to the nasty little germs.  They will NOT have the last laugh!  ;P

1 comment:

  1. Funny! I envision the little green mucinex guys taking over your house!! I hope they get the hing and leave soon!
