Monday, January 10, 2011

A Challenge (Day 1)

I have been challenged! 

I have been given the 30 day picture challenge for my blog.  Every day, for thirty days, you post a different picture (it tells you what kind to post) and you either talk about that picture or the events surrounding the picture.  Some days ask you to write about other things.  Sometimes there just isn't a lot to blog about so I thought this would be fun. 

So, I accept this challenge! ;P 

Here we go . . .

Day 1
(Post a picture of yourself along with 10 facts)

This is one of the better pictures of me without one of my guys in the picture--LOL!

Now, onto the facts about me!

1.) I LOVE coffee.  I drink 2-4 cups in the morning and then have another cup or two later in the day.  If it's cold and winter-y outside I could drink it all day.

2.) I am addicted to spicy food.  I could eat spicy food every day--three times a day!  It's so good!

3.) If I get out of the car while it is still running (this usually happens when I pick up Alex at school and have to pull over to buckle him up) I roll down my window before I get out.  This started when the boys were little and I was afraid I was going to get locked out of the car.  Now they are old enough to unlock the door if I get locked out, but I still roll the window down--you never know, they may just laugh at me and not unlock it--LOL!

4.) I love books and art.  I enjoy reading and appreciate it more these days since I don't have as much time to read as I did years ago. As for art--there are so many different forms of art--I love anything that expresses creativity!

5.) I love chocolate milk, but HAVE to drink it with a straw.  I'm very weird about it--for some reason it just doesn't seem right to drink it from the cup.  A straw is a must for chocolate milk! 

6.) The first time Jacob told me he loved me it threw me off guard.  I smiled and said, "Thank you."  It was a total Rory & Dean (Gilmore Girls) moment.  After he left I felt bad for him and also felt like an idiot.  I guess it didn't upset him TOO much that I responded that way because he stuck around! (And I'm so glad he did, by the way!) ;P 

7.) I do NOT like juice.  Any kind of juice.  I'm just not a juice fan!

8.)  I am older than my husband (by 9 months) =)

9.) I love alternative, rock, heavy metal, 80s Pop, and a lot of R&B.  However, I'm not a big fan of country.  I just don't really care for 99% of it.

10.) While taking a creative writing course in college I had to write a story that was at LEAST 25 pages long.  I wrote a story about Snow White as the villain. It was a lot of fun and my professor really seemed to enjoy working on it with me! 

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! I roll down my windows too! I've been locked out with my remote in hand and have never left the car with my window up again! Just another way we are freakishly the same!
