Monday, February 2, 2015

Support System of Amazing People

My mother always told me that God gives special needs children to parents who are strong enough to handle everything it entails. Even as a teenager my mother would point at me and say, "You could handle a special needs child."  It's a learning process and you just "do what you have to do" and have faith that those placed on your path are meant to be there.

The past decade has consisted of therapies, specialists, tests, surgeries, sleepless nights, and trusting that God has placed these wonderful surgeons, physicians, therapists, specialists, and teachers in our son's life.  So far, everything has fallen into place. We have met (and grown attached to) so many amazing people. People who, in turn, have fallen in love with Alex.

We have also had many people placed in our lives to help encourage and support us as parents of a special needs child. What a blessing these people are!

There are so many adults who can't understand Alex when he speaks; adults who only seem to notice what he can't do. We've had adults comment on a few things and it's not easy.  It stings and you walk away with a heart that is breaking for your child. Honestly, I think it is harder on you than it is your child (we are raising super heroes, after all).

The cool thing is, there are so many who see Alex as Alex.  They don't see him as a special needs child. They see a determined kid who loves computers and video games, who enjoys riding his bike and watching sports with his dad.  They see a boy who hates reading because it's difficult for him, but he keeps trying (and has grown to love comic books). They see a boy who loves Spider-Man! They see a boy who always has a smile on his face, always wants to help, and loves cooking. They see an ornery kid who tries to be sneaky and shoots you a sweet smile in an attempt to use his cuteness to get out of things (It works).

These are people whom we consider blessings.

(But wait!  There's more!)

My mom said that God gives special needs children to parents who can handle that life, but I believe He also equips them for the journey. He also gives those parents a support system of amazing people who encourage them, love them, support them, pray for them, and most importantly, they love their special needs child.

They love my special needs child!

I am thankful for the support system I have been blessed with.  The friends who always have a word of encouragement, the people who have been there and "get it," those awesome people who are on this journey with us, not because they have to be, but because they choose to be!

How cool is that?

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