Saturday, March 31, 2012

Play Ball!

Well, those of you who know us well know we like baseball.  The boys enjoy playing baseball and we watch a lot of baseball. We took the boys (and Kaitlyn too, of course) to watch the UCO Bronchos play this afternoon. Let me just say . . . it was HOT.  LOL We had a good time, though.

We are enjoying the warmer weather and being able to do more things outside.
Here are some pictures of my sweet family at the baseball game.

 We took snacks and bottled water for the boys.  Here they are sitting on the blanket watching the ball game.

Jacob and Kaitlyn at her first baseball game

My guys!

As I said before, it was hot.  Kaitlyn fell asleep--we tried to keep her in her stroller so she would be in the shade.

UCO Bronchos playing baseball!

We plan to start taking picnics to the games and Alex keeps asking to buy hot dogs from the concession.  It's even more fun now that the boys are a little bigger.  Here's to many more baseball games with happy kids!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Mother's Bragging Rights!

These two are hilarious.  They are best buds.  They are awesome big brothers to Kaitlyn and they are eager to help me around the house most of the time. I have been around a lot of other children in waiting rooms and other places this week who just do whatever they want while their parents sit there. Children climbing all over tables and running around yelling while their parents read magazines and play on their iPhones. While in the waiting room for Alex's OT one day a bigger boy was telling Alex that he was doing a magnetic game incorrectly. Alex is Alex--he does his own thing and that is the way it has always been.  His teacher will even say, "Alex is Alex" and " . . . but, it's Alex."  Ha. He completely ignored this boy until he finally sighed and left Alex alone. Alex looked at him and glared to let him know that he had heard him but he didn't want to listen to him.  Ha. Another child was sitting on the play table hitting Logan on the head.  Logan didn't do anything so the child continued to hit Logan until Logan finally just stood up and walked away. There was no whining, no tattling, no fighting--my boys just either ignored the other kids or walked away.  I watched them sitting together playing quietly while the other children ran around like wild animals and I was reminded that I have great boys.  They DO get into trouble from time to time but for the most part they are great boys.  They are respectful and well behaved and I am very proud of both of them. I just wanted to brag on these two for a minute--I am thankful that I have two great boys!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reading Adventures

The boys' school had a book fair about a month ago.  I always give the boys money to buy a book or two.  Logan picked out a book called "Pete The Cat: I Love My White Shoes."   That boy LOVES this book.
We have read it every night since he picked it out--he and Alex have it memorized now.

"I love my white shoes"
"I love my white shoes"
"I love my white shoes"

The boys sing the song and read the story and get excited because, well, I have to admit that it IS a really catchy little story.

We are also reading Treasure Island as a family.  Jacob has it on his Kindle and he has been reading a chapter each night to the boys.  What little boy doesn't enjoy a good pirate story?

Alex and Logan have started reading.  It is the coolest thing to sit and listen to your child read to you.  Logan is a very good reader and is getting faster.  Reading is a little harder for Alex.  He is really trying though and we are so very proud of him.

We love reading.  The boys have such a huge library that we always have a great story to read.  There are several books the boys have that I will keep even when all three of my children are too big for them. They are just great stories.  We will hear the boys pretending to be the characters in the stories.  It has really helped them develop wonderful imaginations (which I just love).

Here's to reading with your kids!!