Just wanted to share some pictures with you all. Above is the Rt. 66 sign we ordered--we thought it would look really good on that fence. You can also see our rose bush. It is always so pretty in the spring!
The boys having a snack outside at their little picnic table. They would live outside if I let them . . .
This week is teacher appreciation week--we tried to be creative with the little gifts Alex gave his teachers. His school sent a letter home last week with a list of gift ideas to bring every day this week. We had a lot of fun with it. On Monday, Alex took school/office supplies to his teachers. The list said to bring a flower of your choice on Tuesday--we bought some flower pots and wrote "A+ Teacher" on them and then Alex planted some pretty flowers for his teachers. I wish I had thought to take pictures of them before he took them to school. He was really proud of them, though. Yesterday, the list said to draw a picture or write a letter to show/tell your teacher how much they mean to you--I'll tell more about this gift later (I DO have a picture of that one!) Today we had to take any kind of apple. I found some apple shaped Post-It notes at Target and bought a package for each teacher. (One can never have too many Post-Its!) Tomorrow, Alex is supposed to surprise his teachers. We bought some paper sacks (super hero sacks, of course) and Alex colored them. We then filled the sacks with breakfast bars and muffins. I have heard the teachers talking about how some days they don't have time to eat breakfast--we thought this would be something they could stick in their desk and if they don't have time for breakfast they can grab a breakfast bar or something.
Alex also wanted to do something for the office staff at his school. He has been going there for about three years for speech therapy and we have gotten to know the office staff fairly well. We decided to make a box and fill it with breakfast goodies. We took a Popsicle box and wrapped it in blue wrapping paper and put a picture of Alex giving a thumb's up and standing by the chalk board "Thank You" sign (more on that in a minute) and added some pretty pink paper to it. Alex said, "The girls in the office will really love that!" Alex then covered the box in stickers. I told him he could put any stickers on it he wanted--and he did. Disney, smiley faces, dinosaurs--you name it he put it on the box. Alex then helped me fill it with bananas, raisins, muffins, and breakfast bars. When we were finished we both stood and looked at it and Alex said, "This looks really cool, mom!" I'm glad he is happy with it.
The breakfast goody box Alex made for the office staff.
Now back to Wednesday. On the list for teacher appreciation week the students were asked to draw a picture or write a letter (as I mentioned before) to show/tell their teachers how much they mean to them. Well, Alex can't really write yet and he didn't like the idea of drawing a picture for his teachers--he rolled his eyes and said, "That is what everybody will be doing!" Instead of writing a letter or drawing a picture I wrote "THANK YOU!" on the boys' chalk board and told Alex to stand beside it and I would take his picture. I said, "One, two, three . . . CHEESE!" and Alex gave a thumbs up and made the cutest expression. It turned out great and was a BIG hit with his teachers!
Jacob gave the boys little mustaches and gotees one day. The boys thought it was great! They kept running to the bathroom mirror to see their reflections!
Tomorrow is the Mother's Day Tea at Alex's school. I am looking forward to it and will try to take some pictures to share with every one!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!! :)
TOO CUTE!!! It looks like you & Alex had a lot of fun doing all the teacher stuff this week!