Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

This mother's day has been very special--thanks to my three guys.  The fun started on Friday when I went to Alex's school for his Mother's Day Tea.  He was so happy I was there--I felt very special that day.  He made some of the sweetest gifts for me and we had cookies and lemonade. He and his friends sang a song to the mothers and then recited a poem.  It was a really sweet event. 

This morning Jacob let me sleep in (which is one of THE best gifts any parent can receive).  When I walked into the dining area I found some beautiful flowers along with a sweet note from my husband.  He had signed his name and then let the boys sign their names as well.  It was so precious seeing Alex's and Logan's little signatures on the paper.  We recently redecorated our dining area and I mentioned at one point that I thought it might be cool to have a neon sign or something to hang in that area with the tin signs.  We looked at some online but they cost more than we wanted to pay (or so some one led me to believe).  Jacob ordered a red and blue OPEN sign to hang in the dining area.  It flashes and the red lights on it match our dining area. I was so excited about it! I also received some Wallflower refills from Bath & Body Works.  At one point Alex and Logan walked up to me--each holding a piece of paper--Alex said, "We love you, mom.  These are for you."  They each handed me their papers--they had colored horses for me and signed their names to them.  It was so sweet.  Alex said, "We made these for you, mom."  I am still trying to find the perfect spot to hang them.  Needless to say I am very happy and feeling extremely loved.  I thought I would share some pictures from Alex's Mother's Day Tea, as well as some pictures of the great things I received from my guys on this Mother's Day.

 Alex and me at the Mother's Day Tea.

Alex gave me this tile with his hand print on it for Mother's Day.  It was so sweet!  I love it!  He was very excited about giving it to me.

Two of the gifts I received from Alex at the Mother's Day Tea.  The gift on the right is a picture of Alex wearing his birthday crown on his birthday--he is sitting with the birthday bear.  He made the frame and his teachers put a magnet on the back so we could hang it on our fridge.  I, of course, loved this as well!

 The song Alex and his classmates sang to the mothers and the poem they recited.

The note from Jacob and the boys I found on the table this morning. (Logan's name is in yellow and kind of difficult to see--we're still working on it--but he is doing REALLY well!)

The beautiful flowers I received with my note. 

The OPEN sign I received from Jacob for Mother's Day. 

I hope all of you moms are having a wonderful Mother's Day as well!


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