Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back To School (And Other Things)

School started last Friday.  Between getting used to a new schedule and a 9-month-old who is getting into everything, cutting teeth, and doing new things every day we have been far from bored around here!

Alex is now officially a 2nd grader and Logan is now a 1st grader.  Time is just speeding along.  I remember taking Alex to the elementary school for speech when he was three and Logan was still in diapers and being carried by me. Now they are big boys.  So far they both like school.  Logan loves his teacher and thinks she is hilarious.  Alex's teacher is very sweet and he came home yesterday excited about doing a science experiment at school.  Alex has already started bringing homework home this week and we have started working on spelling words.  I am assuming  that Logan will start homework next week. So far we have gotten back into the school schedule and while things are a tad hectic in the evenings, we are getting things done and the boys are getting to bed on time--so all is going well!

Kaitlyn has been pulling up on EVERYTHING!  She has started standing on her own and even tried to take a step the other day.  She is clapping, wagging her finger at us and shaking her head "No, No," laying her head on my shoulder repeatedly so I'll say, "Aww.  I love her!"  She is so funny.  In the evenings if Jacob is eating Goldfish crackers she will go over to his recliner, pull up, and Jacob will share his crackers with her.  It is the cutest thing!  I honestly can't believe she is already 9 months old.  It is going by too fast and we are trying to enjoy every minute of our children's childhood. I love every minute of it! 

 Alex helping me give Kaitlyn a bath.  He is ALWAYS eager to help!

                                         Kaitlyn and Logan

               The big 2nd grader doing his homework!

I am SO proud of all three of my children! Here's to another GREAT school year (Fingers crossed)!

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