Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A World of Chaos!

2012 has proven to be a year full of craziness and I will be the first to admit that I'm not a fan.  Honestly, it seemed like the craziness really started to rear it's ugly head last summer when my car died.   Things have just been flying ahead in full force since then. Since Christmas Alex has had surgery and lost his first two teeth, Logan got glasses, Kaitlyn is currently not feeling well and of course I can't get her in to see her pediatrician.  We take Kailtyn to have an ultrasound done tomorrow afternoon--they want to check her kidneys and make sure everything is working the way it should and there are no problems. I go see a surgeon this Friday and talk about the odds of possibly waiting until Kaitlyn is bigger to have surgery.  I have been told by a number of people that I won't be able to lift or hold Kaitlyn for 6 weeks after the surgery--the mom in me is not happy about that. In other news--Alex is now officially a lefty, it seems.  Since he got his cast off he is still writing with his left hand.  I asked if it hurt to write with his right hand and he said, "No, it just feels weird.  I like using my left hand."  The toilet handle is broken so we have the top off the toilet and are flushing it from the inside--until we can get it fixed.  Who has the time for that? LOL Kaitlyn is rolling all over the place.  She gets mad when she rolls over onto her tummy.  She is playing with a few of her baby toys now and growing like crazy. She has become very vocal--it's funny how they seem to change every day at this age! I should be doing laundry, cleaning, or doing something productive right now, but felt the need to blog--if only for a minute or two--while Kaitlyn isn't crying.

Here are a few pictures of some of the big changes going on in the Astley house (for anyone who still reads this blog).

Alex missing his two front bottom teeth.  He lost the first one Tuesday morning and the second one this morning.

Kaitlyn--she was swinging in her swing and cooing.  This was taken yesterday.

Logan with his new glasses--he is still getting used to them, but looks SO cute!

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