Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Tough Boy!

Extremely early on Monday morning--almost time to head to the hospital.

At the hospital--waiting . . . he made fun of the "tired little tiger" pajamas they made him wear.

Playing with daddy in the play area beside the holding room.

Getting ready to go back to the O.R. Alex told me I looked like a bee in this lovely yellow outfit the hospital made me wear.  Once they started giving him the sleeping gas he pointed to me, laughed, and said, "Mommy, you look like a big banana!"

Right after surgery--little boy in a big bed!

A few hours after surgery.  He was miserable, but for those of you who know Alex you know he never once complained!

Alex is upset that he can't use either of his arms and has to ask for help for everything, even scratching his nose, but he's being a real trooper in all of this.  His medicine has been making him sick because we can't get him to eat much, but he still isn't complaining. He has been watching movies and a lot of Phineas & Ferb. It has been quite an adjustment in the Astley house with an 8 week old, a boy who can't do anything for himself, and an emotional 5-year-old who is worried about his brother and COMPLETELY off schedule and tired. Jacob and I are both exhausted but we have had a lot of help from family and friends.  A couple of my friends have brought us food, people have brought Alex ice cream, he has received cards and gifts, and people have helped watch Kaitlyn and Logan and offered to pick up Logan from school.
Alex has some amazing people in his life and we are so thankful for each and every one of you.  He still has a long way to go but he's quite the little trooper!  He has made jokes about eating with his feet and, honestly, I can see him doing that.  Ha Ha.

I'll keep every one posted!

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