Logan wearing the crown he made at school today. He was very proud of it.
My big 1st grade boy. He has come home from school every day for the past week with at least 2 spots (they get a spot for good behavior). Today he also brought home a Happy Note from music class for good behavior. I told him we were proud of him and he said, "Why? Its not that hard to be nice." Ha.
Kaitlyn--she will be a month old next week. I can't believe it. I know it flies by--I can't believe Alex is going to be 7 in a matter of days.
It has been interesting adjusting to having three children instead of two. Everyone told me that its harder to go from one child to two than to go from two to three. When we went from one child to two Alex was 15 months old so we had two babies at once. In that sense adding Kaitlyn to the mix is easier in that Alex and Logan are older and love to help with her. They are more independent and don't need constant attention like Kaitlyn does. In other ways it is harder because we have homework, reading, therapies and a number of other things we have to do every day/week and adding Kaitlyn to the mix makes all of that a little more challenging. I am happy to announce that the boys were on time for school every day this week (it was my first week to do it all with no help) and we were only 5 minutes late to speech this morning before school.
We discovered this afternoon that Logan had gone to school with a Jacob sock in his coat. He apparently wore the sock in his coat all day and didn't realize it--although he said he did fell something weird in his coat today.
I am looking forward to Christmas break--two weeks without having to rush around every day or work on homework. Every December I make sugar cookies with my boys for Santa and we watch Christmas movies together. I am looking forward to doing these things with them this year as well. Things are busier than usual, but I still plan to make time to do all these things with the boys--one day they'll be too big and won't be interested in doing them with me so I plan to enjoy it while I can!
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