Saturday night Jacob and I were watching a movie when we heard Alex jump out of his bed and hurry to the bathroom. A second later we heard him vomiting.
And so began the beginning of pukefest 2011 in our house.
Alex had a fever and couldn't keep anything down--Jacob and I began using Lysol, hand sanitizer, and scrubbing with soap like crazy. My hands are dry, red, raw, an cracked from constantly washing them and trying to keep the germs at bay. Alex was sick all day Sunday and Monday. We tried to keep Logan away from him (which, if you know my two boys, you know that is a hard thing to do). Yesterday Logan came to me and said his tummy hurt. "Oh, no!" I thought. He laid down for about 5 minutes then said he felt fine and was hungry. He had Spaghettios for lunch and I suggested he try some crackers just in case. A little while later he told me again that his tummy hurt so I made him lay down in his bed--where he fell asleep. He slept for about an hour and then I heard him crying. I went in his room and the smell hit me in the face the instant I stepped in--then, I saw just how bad it was . . . or so I thought. It was all over Logan's face, his clothes, his bed, and the floor. The funny thing about being a mom, at least for me, is that I can be totally grossed out when some one vomits, but when its my kids I just want to clean them up and make them feel better. Yes, it grosses me out but not to the point that I can't help my kids and tell them its okay while I'm cleaning them up (and everything around them). I pulled all of Logan's bedding and stuffed animals off his bed and washed them. I gave Logan a bath and sprayed down his mattress and cleaned the floor. I went in to put clean bedding on his bed and that is when I saw it. There was vomit on the wall and vomit on the underside of Alex's bed (Logan sleeps on the bottom bunk). I stood there for a minute and looked at it in hopes that maybe, just maybe it was my imagination. Nope. Feeling just a tad overwhelmed I had a quick, "This is so disgusting and I'm sick of it" cry and then cleaned it up and put Logan back in his bed. I set a trash can beside his bed and told him to use it if he didn't think he could make it to the bathroom.
Keeping Logan away from Kaitlyn has been a new challenge as well. He adores her and wants to check on her, kiss her, touch her and I won't even let him 5 feet from her. It hurts his feelings but he says he understands.
Alex is feeling better today and now Jacob is sick. *sigh* I can honestly say I'm ready for this week to be over.
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