Friday, July 15, 2011

Lovey Boys

Last night Jacob and I were watching TV in the living room before bed.  We heard pitter-patter down the hall and Logan appeared holding a Magnadoodle.  He smiled and said, "I drew an elephant eating peanuts for you guys."  He showed it to Jacob and then to me.  He set the Magnadoodle down beside me and said, "I'm going to leave it right here by you, mom, so you guys can look at it."  We hugged him and told him how good his elehpant was, thanked him for drawing it, and then sent him back to bed. 

A little while later Alex came out.  He said nothing. He just walked over to where I was on the couch, leaned down, and hugged me.  He stayed there for a long time.  When he pulled away from me I said, "Did you need something?"  He said, "No, I just wanted to hug you.  I love you, mom."  He told us good night and went back to bed.

The boys are getting so big--Alex especially.  They aren't as lovey as they were when they were little and that makes these little moments so much more special when they want to love on me.  I have two happy, healthy little boys who make me feel special and brighten my day--each and every day. 

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