Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Lost Boys

It has been a while since I've blogged.  A lot has been going on in our house.  We found out last week that even though we thought we were finished having children--we weren't finished.  Ha.  It took us some time to wrap our minds around this news.  The boys were opposed to it at first, but now are kissing my stomach and hugging it (trying to hug the baby).  Alex will rub my stomach and say, "Baby!"  Logan wants a little brother so he can have a big brother and a little brother.  Alex doesn't seem to care if it's a boy or a girl at this point.  We have had to make some decisions to make room for the baby but I think everything is starting to fall into place. 

As for Alex and Logan--they keep telling me they don't want to grow up.  Sometimes tears are even involved and they'll come to me, out of the blue, and say, "I don't want to grow up, Mommy."  I assure them that they're still little boys and will be boys for a while longer.  I also know in the back of my mind that when the time comes to "grow up" they'll be ready for it.  I always think of the Lost Boys in Neverland when my boys start talking about how they never want to grow up.  Sometimes our house feels like Neverland with those two and their huge imaginations running around. 

They are getting bunk beds this week and will be moved from their bedroom to the play room, which will now be their bedroom instead of the play room.  So far they seem excited about it.  I wonder how long this excitement will last.  Ha! 

Until next time . . .

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are just so amazing. They are going to adjust to this new adventure so well. And they are going to be wonderful big brothers!
