Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Earth Month (Part One)!!

April 22nd is Earth Day--the entire month of April has been dubbed Earth Month.  It is a month set aside to encourage people to take care of our world.  Jacob and I are trying to take some time this month to teach our boys about recycling, picking up trash in the yard, not littering, and other little things that they can do for Earth Month/Day this year.  I am going to try and document as many of the activities we do with them as I can so those of you who read the blog can follow what the boys are learning and doing.  We started the week off by making dirt paintings.  I let the boys each pick two colors and they painted their picture--we then poured a little bit of dirt onto their paintings and they used their fingers to mix the dirt into the paint.  The dirt gave the painting an interesting texture and the boys really seemed to enjoy it.
Yesterday the boys made a bird feeder out of an old milk jug.  I washed the jug and then the boys painted it.  Once the paint dried we cut a square out of one of the sides so a bird could get inside, stand, and eat bird seed.  We then took it outside and I let the boys fill the bottom with bird seed. They were very excited about the bird feeder and had a blast making it.  We may actually make more for other places in our yard simply because it was so much fun to make.  We wanted Jacob to be involved so Alex suggested that when Jacob got home from work he could help them hang the bird feeder in a tree. I told the boys to set the bird feeder on the porch so we could hang it after dinner.  Alex was concerned that the wind would blow the bird feeder over, spilling the bird seed--so he found a safe place for it.  Our air conditioner is hidden behind a wooden fence--Alex set the bird feeder on one of the wooden beams of the fence so the wind couldn't get to it.  After dinner we went outside and Jacob hung the bird feeder in one of the trees.  The boys were very excited about it. 
Happy Earth Month!!  Until next time . . .

1 comment:

  1. Those bird feeders are really cute. That's a good idea. Let me know if any birds visit.
