Monday, April 19, 2010

The Color Brown

I was looking at pictures we took from the various activities this weekend and I noticed a common theme--the color brown. We tried to have as much fun as we could with a weekend full of clouds and rain.  Alex and Logan helped make chocolate chip pancakes (see, brown!) and Alex decided we needed eggs, too. Jacob thought it was a good idea as well, so Alex and I made some eggs to go with our pancakes. I always enjoy cooking with the boys.  They are excited about every little thing you let them do in the kitchen.  I have noticed it also makes them feel proud when we sit down to eat and they tell Jacob, "We made this, daddy." Now that they are getting older they are actually pretty good helpers!   We also watched the movie Astro Boy--It was a cute movie and the boys really seemed to enjoy it. The boys and I met my best friend, Denisa, for lunch this weekend as well.  We usually eat lunch and then go to a park so the boys can play (if I have the boys with me).  It was rainy and gross, so we decided to put some old clothes on the boys and let them just play in the mud (again--the color brown) for a little bit--which they loved! When they finished playing in the mud we cleaned them up and changed their clothes.  Denisa had brought a ton of gifts for the boys--I'm sure they felt pretty special.  She gave them costumes to play in that her mother had bought, she gave them books, stickers, glow in the dark stars, and M&Ms (brown). They were pretty happy boys at that point!  When we got home they immediately wanted to show Jacob their books and costumes.  Jacob helped them put their costumes on and they played in them for the rest of the evening--Jacob also helped the boys stick the stars on the ceiling.  We ended the day with beef stew (which was perfect with the yucky weather--oh yeah, and it was brown) and some books.  It was a fun weekend even though it was cold and rainy.  I am including some pictures of the boys--I hope you enjoy them!

Pouring the chocolate chips into the pancake batter.

Logan helping me flip the pancakes.  He was having a lot of fun.
Alex helping me make scrambled eggs to go with the pancakes.

Logan sat on this toy and made this sad expression--he said, "It's cold and wet!"  It was cute!
Alex playing in the mud.  They would stand in this puddle and pretend they were sinking--whoever wasn't in the puddle would shout, "I'll save you!" and then try to get them out.

They loved splashing in the puddle!  Logan would fall on his bottom in the mud on purpose just to get dirty.  They had a blast!
Logan's muddy bottom!
Still jumping in mud puddles!
Tired boys after playing in the mud!
Alex wearing the knight costume Mrs. Paula Wright gave him.  He LOVES this costume and even slept in it last night! 
Logan wearing the pirate costume he received. 

Alex in his pajamas--ready for bed and wearing his knight costume.  He slept in it last night and came out of his room upset this morning because he couldn't find his sword--it was lost in his bed while he slept.  We eventually found it at the end of his bed. 
Some of the stars Jacob put on the boys' ceiling.  We turned the light off after we put them in their beds and the stars started glowing.  The boys thought it was really neat! 

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