Monday, March 29, 2010

A Week of Easter and Spring Fun!

We are trying to do some fun things this week to celebrate Easter.  We missed doing a lot of fun things the week of St. Patrick's Day because people were sick.  Now we have a week to celebrate and do fun Easter crafts and activities and even have a little fun on April Fool's Day!  The plan for this week is to do some fun Easter/spring themed activities every day.  Today we started it off with making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.  "What does that have to do with Easter?" you might ask.  Well . . . nothing, actually . . . so I gave the boys bunny-shaped cookie cutters and they cut their sandwiches into bunnies.  They had a lot of fun doing it and they all finished off their entire sandwich.  After lunch the boys helped me clean up the mess and we moved to the living room where we read one of the many Easter/spring themed books the boys have.  Logan was the lucky winner who got to pick today's book. He looked through the stack of Easter/spring books and pulled out a new book they received from their grandparents just this last weekend entitled Rabbit Pie by Penny Ives.  It is a very cute story about a mother bunny and her six little bunnies--it reads like a recipe and the ingredients all come together as the story progresses to form a wonderful little bunny family.  It was a fun book to kick off our Easter/Spring themed week!  We then went outside and the boys attempted tossing Frisbees at each other. That was funny just to watch.  They had a blast, though.

There are more fun things to come--until then, here are some pictures of the boys today!
(Below) The boys are making their sandwiches into bunny shapes.  Alex was telling a story in this picture.  He told his sandwich that he was going to make it into a bunny and then eat it.  He said, "You will look like a bunny, not a sandwich, but I will still eat you."  He and Logan have started telling stories a lot and they are all so funny!  This one was no different--and he did eat the bunny sandwich (ears first)!

Logan (Below) holding the book Rabbit Pie that we read today.  The boys really enjoyed it!

     Alex and Logan ready to read the book!  They were being silly, as usual!
Alex took the book after I read it and started talking about the pictures with Caison and Logan.  It was actually really cute.  They talked about all the pictures and what the little bunnies were doing--they even counted the bunnies on each page. They really seemed to enjoy the book (thanks Bleu and Boompa)!  I will post more this week as the boys do fun Easter things!  I know you all can't wait! Ha.  


  1. "Rabbit Pie" is a sweet book with a clever idea. I'm so glad the weather is pretty this week so Alex and Logan can go outside and play. That's a good idea -- making rabbit shapes out of grill cheese sandwiches.

  2. I am loving the pictures! The silly faces and all the fun stuff they did with the if you lived closer to me I could so join in the fun!! LOL! Maybe Jacob will read the dry erase board soon!
