Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Bouncin' Good Time

After I picked up Alex from school today we headed to Bouncin' Craze to run around and play for about an hour and a half.  It was fun just watching the boys--although I will admit I went down the big slide a couple of times with Logan and Caison.  It really is fun for all ages!  Alex has been asking to play with his friend, Zach, so he met us there to play.  Alex and Zach were very excited to see each other.  Caison sat with me for a while and watched the other boys climb and slide.  He finally decided to try it and once he came down that slide it was as if a monster had been created--Caison didn't want to do anything else. He would climb up the same slide and then slide down and jump off--a huge smile on his little face the entire time.  He would say, "I wanna go again!"  I'd say, "Go for it," and he would take off running to do it again.  By the time we left all three boys were sweaty and tired.  I thought they were all going to fall asleep in the car. They had a blast and it was fun to do something we haven't done in a while!

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