Friday, February 26, 2010
A Sleep Over On The Moon
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Photography by Alex
Alex took this picture of Logan and me today. He likes to stick the camera right in your face.

The top of the boys' railroad bank. Alex said he took this picture because the "X" it forms looks like the "x" in his name. Then, he pointed to the "A" and said, "That is in my name, too!"

Alex's new microphone. He loves this thing! He kept taking pictures of it yesterday. It was so cute! He takes pictures of his toys, too. I think he just likes to go around and take pictures of his favorite things.

Then he wanted to be in the picture so I helped him set the timer on the camera. I put it a safe distance away and Alex said, "No, mom, that is too far," and moved it closer. He is all about the close-ups! They started crawling all over me after this picture--it was a lot of fun, actually.

Then he wanted a picture of himself with his new haircut.
My handsome boys. They were posing for this picture.
Alex loves to take pictures. I thought these were really cute--I know there are a few people who have seen some of Alex's pictures before and thought they were pretty good for a 5-year-old. Hope you enjoy these.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Monday!
I want to take a moment and talk about the great support system I have. Last week was a very stressful week. I have the two greatest best friends in the world. One of them is my husband and the other one is my best friend, Denisa. It was an interesting week that seemed to slowly creep by. On Friday Denisa was given the wonderful privilege of "dealing with me" as I cried over soap that the boys had spilled on the bathroom floor. It was a huge mess! One of them knocked the soap dispenser on the floor and it busted and soap was all over the floor, the rug, and the wall. No, spilled soap isn't a big deal, but after all that had happened last week the soap is what did me in, so to speak. I think about it now and it makes me laugh. She called at just the right time and when I saw her number pop up on the caller ID I grabbed the phone--knowing she wouldn't tell me I was a complete idiot and hang up on me! I will never forget her voice, "Are you crying?" I said, "Yes," feeling like an idiot, but not caring at the time. She said, "Okay, that is fine, we can cry over soap." She even offered to throw her soap on the floor and cry with me. I love that about her. She sent me text messages, emails and left messages on my phone EVERY day letting me know she was thinking about me and my family. Life can be stressful enough with little boys, but throw about ten other things into the mix and you're liable to cry over soap. Jacob was encouraging and helpful all week, even though he was just as stressed and exhausted as I was. He took off one afternoon to give me a little break and was always there when I needed him. My father always talks about what a great guy Jacob is and how well he takes care of me. "I couldn't have picked a better guy for you myself," he is always telling me. I have to agree! The stressful week ended with the boys getting some kind of stomach virus. I am more than happy to report that every one is now well and today has been relatively uneventful. I just wanted to say that I am very thankful for my "support system" and appreciate the way they want to take care of me. I love you both very much!
So, since it is cold and yucky outside I tried to come up with fun things for the boys to do today. Logan and Caison were bouncing off the walls this morning. They kept wrestling and jumping off the furniture so I brought out the "boxing gloves." Alex and Logan received these for Christmas one year from my brother and his wife. They were and still are a big hit. The house was filled with giggling as Caison and Logan beat each other with these FunBops!
After lunch we had a scavenger hunt around the house using Alex's camera. The boys really enjoyed that! We looked for items that started with the letter "R" because that is the letter Alex is learning at school this week.
Alex has been Ben 10 all day today. His teacher said that when she called on him today he would say, "No, I am Ben 10 today." Caison and Logan joined in and pretended to be aliens and bad guys. They have had a lot of fun even though they are stuck inside yet again.
So, since it is cold and yucky outside I tried to come up with fun things for the boys to do today. Logan and Caison were bouncing off the walls this morning. They kept wrestling and jumping off the furniture so I brought out the "boxing gloves." Alex and Logan received these for Christmas one year from my brother and his wife. They were and still are a big hit. The house was filled with giggling as Caison and Logan beat each other with these FunBops!
After lunch we had a scavenger hunt around the house using Alex's camera. The boys really enjoyed that! We looked for items that started with the letter "R" because that is the letter Alex is learning at school this week.
Alex has been Ben 10 all day today. His teacher said that when she called on him today he would say, "No, I am Ben 10 today." Caison and Logan joined in and pretended to be aliens and bad guys. They have had a lot of fun even though they are stuck inside yet again.
Happy Monday, everyone! :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Day of Reading!!!
Will And Squill

Alex and the book he checked out from the school library.

The letter we received.
Reading Alex's library book (I read it to them, but thought this was too cute)!
Alex and his class got to go to the school library today and check out library books for the very first time. This was exciting because we were originally told that Pre-K students would not be allowed to check out books from the school library. Alex was very excited when I picked him up. He showed me the book he checked out and I promised I would read it to all three of them after lunch. When everyone was finished eating I asked Alex to get his library book and take it to the love seat. Logan and Caison followed and Alex started showing them pictures in the book. It was so cute. I took a picture and let them sit and look through the book for a few minutes before I joined them and we read the book. It was a cute book. The boys would laugh at certain parts and Caison asked me to read it again-so I did. After that first book I let Caison and Logan each pick a book that we could read. Caison and Logan both wanted to be Cowboy from the Cowboy & Octopus book. It was so cute. Logan picked Let's Do Nothing! I encouraged the boys to act out different parts of the story after we read it. They were giggling and having a great time.

Caison as the Cowboy in Cowboy & Octopus.

Logan's turn to be Cowboy.

Alex and Logan working together to be Octopus from the story.
Then we read Let's Do Nothing!

In the story the characters try to do nothing. They pretend they are statues sitting perfectly still in a park. One of the boys' imaginations always gets the best of him and he imagines a pigeon sitting on his head, then another pigeon, and another until he is covered in pigeons. He goes crazy trying to wave all the pigeons away and his friend looks at him as if he is crazy because, after all, it is only pretend, right?
Here, Logan is the statue and Caison is the pigeon. Logan is trying to shoo the pigeon away. They had a lot of fun with this book!
Below, Logan and Caison are pretending to be trees like the boys in the story. The picture of the characters in the book pretending to be trees is standing in front of them.
Monday, February 8, 2010
More Snow!
It is snowing again here in the OKC/Edmond area. I can't tell you how excited we're not! We have played in the snow several times this year and we are starting to get bored with it! Here are some pictures of the snow in our yard and neighborhood! I can honestly say that we are officially ready for Spring!!!
Can we play in the snow? Please!!!
Drawing on the Mini Magnadoodle while it snows outside.
Pop Tart for a morning snack.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A Valentine's Project
This made for a very sweet center layer! It was mixed with the Knox unflavored gelatin.
The finished product!
It had three different layers. The middle layer was VERY sweet!

Logan, Alex, and Caison ready to eat their Jell-O treats (as they called them).
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