I read a blog yesterday in which the blogger had listed several things she was thankful for. As I read each item she had taken the time to not only list, but think about, I realized that we, as humans, have a bad habit of taking things for granted. She listed things I, myself, am guilty of taking for granted. It served as an amazing reminder that we all have so much to be thankful for.
I was reminded today by my 6-year-old that we are to be thankful for even the smallest thing (even toys). I had big plans for today and they all just kind of fell apart and slowly I felt the bad attitude start creeping in. So, I'm going to follow Mary's lead and post a few things today that I am thankful for. Looking at all that is going on in the world right now it seems that it may be time to stop and take a look at all the blessings in our lives.
I am thankful for:
My children's smiles and the sound of their laughter.
Medicine that heals my children's illnesses and makes them feel better.
Little hugs from little arms (even the snotty ones).
A husband who is only a text away with advice and encouragement when the vehicle refuses to start.
My 6-year-old son reminding me to be thankful for even the little things.
Five minutes to myself (even if it means locking myself in the bathroom with a magazine and hiding behind the shower curtain).
The birds that gather outside our window and entertain my toddler.
The honesty of good friends.
Jokes told by an 8-year-old.
The strawberry plant that refused to die last year and is back this year (as beautiful as ever).
Kissing my kids good night and tucking them in each and every night.
Blogs written by friends and acquaintances reminding us that we have so much to be thankful for!
Light in a world filled with darkness.
What are YOU thankful for today?
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