Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Focus On The Positive!

Family physician, pediatrician, pediatric orthopedic, dentist . . . the list just goes on and on.  Between myself and my children we have been to nearly every possible health professional there is in the past few weeks. We learned that Logan will need quite a few surgeries and we are to start these surgeries as soon as school lets out for summer vacation.

When I was a teenager my mom would tell me that she didn't think she could handle a special needs child or a child that had a lot of health problems.  She would say that God only gives those children to people He knows have the heart and strength to deal with it.  On more than one occasion she pointed at me and said, "You.  You are some one who could handle having a child like that."  As a teenager I thought she was crazy--spouting random things for no reason.  Fast-forward 20 years into the future (ouch) and here I am with three beautiful kids--all of whom have a bone disease that requires surgeries.  I also have a child with a learning disability and other issues who attends therapies several times a week.

And this is our normal.

I was listening to Plumb's new album yesterday. There is a song entitled, "I Want You Here."  It is from the point of view of a mother who recently lost her child/infant to illness.  This song serves as a reminder that things could always be worse.  Yes, my children have to endure more than most children,  but they are healthy.  They aren't dying and I'm not watching them suffer.  I know that things could be so much worse.  The saying, "There is always some one who is worse off than you," is true. I encourage you to stop looking at the negative in your life--stop looking for reasons to be dramatic.  The world is dramatic enough without us seeking it out.  Start focusing on all the positive things in your life.  You will be happier and start to see life in a better way.  And remember, there are those out there who have it far worse than you do.

The following is a live version of Plumb's "I Want You Here."  There is a short introduction (In Your Eyes) and the song follows.  Powerful song.  We really do have so much to be thankful for!

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