Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sweet Morsels of Life

By now everyone knows the story. We took Kaitlyn to the ER at Children's on Wednesday where she was given a breathing treatment and some steroids and we were sent home.  She was fine until the next morning so we took her back to the ER where she was admitted.  We were there for a very long 4 days.

BUT . . . while we were there in the wee early hours of Sunday morning, during the stress of it all and the pure exhaustion, I had a good laugh.  Kaitlyn's oxygen levels were low.  They kept giving her breathing treatments but they didn't seem to work so the nurse came in to get the oxygen all set up in case the doctor told them to give her oxygen. I was sitting in the chair holding Kaitlyn, who was sleeping.  The nurse turned on the oxygen and instead of just a steady little stream of oxygen she was met with a very hard force of air.  Her hair blew up really high and her cheeks were shaking form the force.  One of the loudest sounds I have ever heard suddenly boomed from the wall. You know the sound of the drill at the dentist office?  Well, this sounded just like that but about 1,000 times louder.  This, of course, caused Kaitlyn to jump and then scream in fear. Another nurse came running in and tried to help--so then there were two nurses with their hair flying up and their cheeks shaking from the force.  One nurse began to scream and the other started laughing.  It was the funniest thing. They couldn't get it turned off so they flagged down a male nurse who gave it a try.  They eventually came to the conclusion that it was broken and were happy when they discovered Kaitlyn wouldn't need the oxygen.

We were happy to get to come home Sunday afternoon and Kaitlyn seems to be feeling much better.  Every time I think of that morning around 3 a.m. with the two nurses fighting the oxygen I still laugh.  It was like watching a sitcom.  Even the most stressful times in our life have funny moments.  Sometimes you have to look for them and other times they just present themselves, but they are always there.  Here's to enjoying the sweet morsels of life!

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