Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Animal Adventures

I'm not sure if anyone is still reading these blogs, but if you are I guess this one's for you!  LOL!

Jacob was on vacation last week.  We spent it running all over the place, trying to do fun things with the boys, and getting a few things done in the yard.  On Friday we set out for the zoo.  I quickly learned that I don't have the energy I did before I was pregnant, so we only lasted a couple of hours before I thought I was going to collapse.  The boys had a blast though.  We have taken them to the zoo many times before but for some reason they really seemed more "into it" this time.  Alex was interested in every little (and big) animal we came across.  It was fun just watching their reactions.  We were able to see the baby elephant, which the boys have been asking to see for weeks.  We also saw a baby chimp swinging and playing. We had a blast and got some great pictures so I thought I'd take a few minutes and share them with you!

The boys playing for a while before we headed off to see the animals!

Jacob was wearing his red Texas Rangers shirt so the boys wanted to wear theirs.  Logan's is exactly like Jacob's--which was cute!

The boys and me.  They're getting SO BIG!

Baby elephant!

Brothers--they like each other just a little bit.

Baby chimp playing--the boys really enjoyed watching it swing and climb all over the place.

This will more than likely be our last trip to the zoo before the baby is born.  I'm sure we will have other adventures in the near future--with two little boys how can you not??  I'll share those with you as soon as they happen!  Until then . . .

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