Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Plungers, Snakes, Gushers, and Saws: Just A Normal Day In Our House

The sink is finally functional and I am left with a messy kitchen.  The water in the sink eventually drained -- I turned the faucet on and it wasn't refilling so we assumed the Drain-O worked.  Our landlord showed up today and fixed the sink in the boys' bathroom -- it was leaking.  He had to leave at one point to go buy a part.  While he was gone I made some Applesauce muffins.  As I was making the muffins, using the water and rinsing off things, I noticed the sink was filling up with water again.  When Tim returned I shared this news with him.  Once he finished in the boys' bathroom he moved on to the kitchen sink.  Before I go any farther let me just share some facts with you.  Our landlord looks like a heavy version of the Moody Blues lead singer (well, from 20 years ago).  He talks like Pauly Shore -- usually about Pauly Shore or Adam Sandler movies.  He is just funny.  He tried a few different things and couldn't get the sink unclogged.  He kept telling me that he had never seen anything like that and it had him baffled.  He used a snake and put it through to about 35 feet -- it still didn't work.  As he was working I would hear him mumble "Oh, you bastard" to the pipes as he checked them only to discover they were still clogged.  For some reason I thought this was funny.  He tried the plunger, which created high gushers of dirty, black water shooting everyone. The kitchen was a mess.  Nothing was working.  He finally said, "I'm going to have to saw through one of the pipes and see if that works."  He came in with a power saw and very loudly cut through the pipe.  He used the snake once more -- a few more expletives and conversations/arguments with the pipes and then I heard him laugh.  "I did it!"  he announced.  He stood up and said, "I was beginning to think nothing was going to work.  I've been sprayed by nasty water and crawled into tiny spaces."  He turned the water on and when the water continued to flow instead of filling the sink he let out a loud, "Woo hoo!"  I started laughing and he said, "I'm so glad to have that fixed."  He was here for almost 4 hours working on it so I can understand his enthusiasm.  I'm very happy to announce that I have my kitchen sink back.  And, now, I must go clean the kitchen. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only person that talks to inanimate objects! HA! I'm glad you got the sinks fixed!
