Monday, December 6, 2010

Alex's 6th Birthday Party

Alex's birthday is December 27th and every year it seems we are rushing around to get home after all of the Christmas festivities, traveling, and craziness and jumping into a party for Alex.  Last year we had his party in late January (weather was kind of factor in that as well) and this year we decided it would be fun to have it early. Our weekends in December were already full, except for the first weekend.  So, we made the invitations, rented the room, and started working on a birthday party for a special little boy.

 Alex and me at his party--Jacob took this picture and Alex is holding up 6 fingers to show that he is (or will be) 6 years old! 

 He wanted a Spider-Man party so we told all of the parents to let the kids come dressed as their favorite super heroes--it was so much fun.

Alex and some of his friends (in costume) playing before the party started

I made little capes with table cloths, packaging tape, and elastic and let the kids color a picture or symbol they wanted and we cut them out and taped them to the capes.  They seemed to be a big hit!

         Alex's finished cape.

 After making the capes we started the games.  We played Pin the Spider on Spider-Man (here is Alex starting off the game) and . . .

We had a bean bag toss game.  Here is Alex's cousin, Luke, and Alex's friends all wearing the capes they made and waiting in line for the bean bag toss game

 Alex with his friends at the party--he had a great time!

 Alex blowing out his candle after we sang "Happy Birthday" to him

                                 My happy boy!

                      Time for cupcakes!

  Logan--my messy boy!

 Opening presents with a little help from daddy!

    Alex and his cousin, Luke

                  Giving goody bags to his friends

  Getting a birthday hug from his Bleu (Jacob's mother)

      Logan showing us how Spider-Man climbs

It was a fun day filled with family and friends and we all enjoyed ourselves.  I can't believe that tiny baby who used to stare at Jacob so intensely is now a soon-to-be 6-year-old boy.  We are very proud of you, Alex, and we love you very much!  Happy Birthday, Bubby! 

1 comment:

  1. I really missed out by not getting to be there! I am so glad he had a great party! And I know how far he's come in the years I have known him. I'm so proud of all the accomplishments he has made. He's such a smart and sweet little boy!
