Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Christmas Adventure

We spent 4 days going from place to place over Christmas.  There were times that felt stressful, exhausting, and times that seemed completely overwhelming while we were on this trip.  I'm sure there were times that our families thought we were either crazy or horrible people because it became harder and harder to "play nice" as time went on. You load the car and leave your house excited about Christmas and all the fun that will come--and you're looking forward to seeing everyone.  It's funny how once you have unloaded and reloaded the car a couple of times, including trying to find places for all of your new gifts, the stress starts to set in.  You're tired now and not as energetic as you were when you started the journey. The boys become tired and start to whine or become emotional and cry about everything and you feel your blood pressure rise. Aunts and Uncles let the kids have sweets and sodas without you knowing it,  a child gets hurt, a child throws up, tantrums are abundant (and not just with the children). It shouldn't be that way--and it's not fair to those we have traveled to see, but, hey, we're human and after a while the monster inside forces its way out! Ha! It was, however, wonderful to see our families and spend some time with them. The boys had a great time and received a lot of great gifts.  We had a lot of delicious snacks and meals provided for us, fun activities, and I have to say that I am more than happy with the gifts I received.  I enjoyed being able to sit and talk to people who are important to me and my family and enjoyed seeing everyone.  Even though there were stressful times (usually these happened while traveling or while trying to get the boys to go to bed) it was fun and a lot of great memories were made!

We arrived home on Sunday evening and unloaded the car.  We ate dinner and unpacked our suitcases and hoped the boys, who had slept the entire way home, would go to bed early.  Yeah--that didn't happen.  The boys were excited to be home.  They were happy to be able to play with their new toys and look at their new books.  I'll admit, it WAS good to be home!

 We referred to Monday as our "recovery day"--the house was still a huge mess and I was WAY behind on laundry.  Slowly but surely the house is looking more like it once did before a tornado of Astleys ran through it placing gifts, packages, and other items all over it. Jacob and I have had time to look at the new gifts we have received.  I received some really great books from Jacob's parents and I was able to skim through them for a bit.  I read one of them, Charmed by Audrey, from cover to cover as I sat there.  It was filled with amazing photos and wonderful quotes and I really enjoyed it. It is nice to have Jacob off work and the boys out of school and to have these moments not only to ourselves but also with each other. 

Yesterday we decided to go shopping.  We received some money and gift cards for Christmas and Alex had money and gift cards from his birthday.  We went to a few different places and found some great deals. We got some new vinyls and the boys found a ton of comic books and some new video games.  Jacob let me go into "my" stores--stores that he could have cared less about.  It was really nice of him! We also ventured into the Lego store, which is usually a fun and exciting thing for the boys and a stressful and tiring thing for Jacob and me. It's always crowded--kids bumping into you and parents letting their children just run wild and yell across the store--and the boys always want the $80 Lego set. It doesn't matter what the set is but it always looks cool and they always want it!  We went in and looked at everything they had and listened to the boys say, "Wow" or "This is awesome!"  They found a cool Lego set that they both wanted.  It was $50 but on sale for $25.  We were very proud of our find and Jacob has spent a good chunk of today in the playroom with the boys trying to put it all together.  Christmas vacation is always fun when you're a child and I'm glad my boys are enjoying their time and having fun playing with all the new toys, etc. they received at the many Christmas celebrations we attended.

For those of you who let us stay with you, or fed us, or put up with us when we were tired and cranky--thank you!! 

The boys with the Lego Power Miners set we purchased at half price.  They were really excited about it!

The boys coloring with their new crayons, in their new coloring books, while wearing their new pajamas. 

Having a bubble dance with their cousins, Luke and Laci.

The boys playing with the finished Lego set

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Movie Camp Out!

We made plans for the boys to stay up late and watch movies in the play room last night and sleep in one of the tents they received for Christmas with my dad's family a week ago. The boys were SO excited. We ordered dinner from one of our favorite places and the boys each got a mini pizza. Then they put on their pajamas, brushed their teeth, we read two of the Black Lagoon books, and they hopped in the tent for the first movie.  We put Alex's comforter down first for them to lay on and then the boys placed their pillows in the tent.  We put Logan's comforter in the tent for them to cover up with and they each picked a movie to watch.  The first movie was Kung Fu Panda and when it ended they watched The Santa Clause.  They kept telling us how fun it was and how much they liked it.  We decided it is something we will start letting them do often.  Jacob and I sat in the living room watching TV and a movie while the boys hung out in their tent watching movies.  Logan fell asleep first and then around 10:00 Alex finally joined him.

The boys playing with the Bat Cave Alex got for Christmas before the "camp out" began!

The  boys in one of the tents they received--they are ready to watch a movie!

The boys finally fell asleep after two movies.  They had so much fun! 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pajama Party!!!!

Alex's class had their winter party yesterday afternoon.  The Kindergarteners were also told that it was their pajama day--so the winter party was referred to as "the pajama party" in our house. Both of my boys were excited--they were excited about wearing their pajamas to school and excited about the party.

Alex wearing his Iron Man pajamas.  He left his coat at school the day before so he got to wear one of Logan's coats to school--this is why I'm glad we have extra coats they can wear because you never know when you'll need one!

When I picked up Logan at school at 11:00 he kept asking when we were going to "big brother's pajama party."  He was just as excited as Alex. He spent the day playing and asking if it was time to change into his pajamas for the party.

A boy and his slinky.  I think Logan can entertain himself with just about anything.  He played with the slinky for a bit all the while coming to me and asking, "Mom, is it time to go to Alex's party, yet?"

Eventually it WAS time to go to the party and Logan changed into his pajamas, helped me carry cookies and teachers' gifts and we were on our way.  When we got there Logan immediately joined Alex and his friends on the circle rug for a story and songs with Alex's teacher and class.

A bunch of kindergarten kids in their pajamas talking and singing.  They were so excited--it was obvious they were all ready for the break and for Christmas!

Alex and Logan sitting together at Alex's party.

Time for snacks!  Logan stood by Alex until one of the mom's gave him a little chair to sit in.  It was funny.  Alex is sitting with his buddy, Ryan.  They get along really well.

The snacks!  The kids had Goldfish crackers, Christmas cookies, apple slices with caramel for dipping, olives, cheese squares, ice cream and candy.  It was quite a spread.  We gave each child a gum drop, a Hershey's kiss and M&Ms to make a snowman face in their vanilla ice cream.  Here is Alex's ice cream snow man!  These were a big hit!  They also had gingerbread men story/coloring pages that they colored.  The kids all received two goody bags full of really cool stuff and then it was time for the teacher to open all of her gifts.

Alex's teacher wore pajamas for pajama day too.  Here she is opening one of her gifts from Alex.  We worked hard on it and she really seemed to like it!

This is one of the gifts we gave to Alex's teacher.  She was his teacher last year for Pre-K as well and she is so good with him.  She is very encouraging and works with him one on one a lot.  He has come so far this year.  We put his hand print on it and put "High five for an awesome teacher" beside it, we put a piece of paper where Alex wrote his name, a piece of paper where Alex wrote one of the words they are working on at school, and put little pictures he has colored at school on it, as well as a picture of Alex.  Everyone seemed to like it and Alex seemed so proud!

My friend, Sunshine, is the class mom--this is Addison and Tristin, her two youngest kiddos at the party.  You can see Logan behind them . . .

 The Snowman ornament Alex made at school.  I went to help out with crafts that day and actually got to help him make it.  We had fun and the snowman turned out so cute--other than losing one of it's arms. Ha.

This is another gift Alex and I made for a woman who was student teaching in his class earlier in the year.  A lot of us moms got to know her really well and we wanted to get her something special for Christmas.  This was fun to make and it was something I thought she could put on her desk when she starts teaching!

The party was a lot of fun.  We didn't get to stay and help clean up because Alex had occupational therapy at 3:00.  We got there and Logan and I had our usual reading session until 3:45 and then Alex came out to get Logan so he could go back and play on all the cool things they have there. The boys went straight to the bouncy house and spent the next 15 minutes bouncing, throwing balls, and sliding down the inflatable slide.  Logan shouted, "It's like a all day party!"  It was so cute just watching them.  They had a blast!  And Logan was right--it was as if they had an all day party! 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Bunch of Partying Pre-k Kids

Today was Logan's Pre-K Holiday Party at school.  I dropped him off at school this morning and told him I'd be back for his party, which was at 10:30.  When I got to the classroom for the party I heard, "Momma!"  and Logan ran to me and greeted me with a huge hug! The kids sat on the big circle rug and watched a video about a snowman who could fly.  The kids had each made a Christmas stocking and glued it to a paper sack.  Each child brought 19 little gifts to put in their friends' stockings for Christmas. (You can imagine the number of pencils and candy canes in each stocking.)  Logan took large containers of play dough for each of his friends and they were a BIG hit!  While the children watched the video the parents set out Santa plates and napkins, filled each plate with cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, apple slices, and Cheetos balls.  Each plate was given a little water bottle and when the video ended Logan's teacher called each student by name and two or three at a time would go sit in their spot.  They were so cute sitting at their little tables, cookie icing all over their faces, laughing and talking--excited about Christmas.  After their snacks they were able to go get their stockings they made which were now filled with goodies!  Each child had made a Christmas tree ornament for their parents--Logan gave me his wrapped gift (the ornament) he had made.  He was very proud of it.  I had a lot of fun with him and I KNOW he had a blast with all his friends at their little party! 

Logan sitting with some of his friends at school.  They all kept calling the cookies "cookie dough"--it was funny!

Logan's teachers, Mrs. Gina and Mrs. McMahan making sure all the stockings were filled and ready to go.  The cool monster faces the kids made are hanging from the ceiling above the stocking table.  The room looked really cute and festive!

Logan with the "stocking" he made for all of his little gifts to go in--can you tell he is very proud of it? 

Momma and Logan after the party--he had his back pack on and was ready to go!

One of the little goody sacks in Logan's stocking.  One was full of candy and one had erasers and pencils in it.  He was so cute because he would peek inside before reaching in to pull the items out.

One of the gifts in his stocking was a Christmas cookie cutter.  We decided to wash it and use it to make his sandwich for lunch into a Christmas shape--that is what Logan is doing here.

Making his sandwich into a Christmas bell

Logan's Christmas bell shaped bologna and cheese sandwich.  He ate the part that was cute off too!  Ha.

The ornament Logan made for Jacob and me for Christmas.  He was very proud of it and kept asking if I liked it.  We found a special place for it on our tree!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'Tis The Season

The month of December is always extremely busy for us.  There is shopping to do, gifts to wrap, gifts to make, baking, and preparing for parties.  During all the craziness Jacob and I try to do some fun things with the boys.  We drove around one evening after dark looking at Christmas lights.  The boys loved it!  We had McDonald's for dinner and read Christmas books before bed.  The boys made Christmas cookies one day and thought it would be fun to decorate the big tree in our yard--so we got some decorations and picked a very cold and drizzly night to decorate it.  Again, the boys had a blast.  We had a Christmas gathering with my dad's family over the weekend and the boys not only received some really cool gifts, but they also got to see Santa.  Having the boys around and watching their faces light up this time of year is wonderful.  I remember when I was little and how much I loved Christmas and I'm glad my boys are enjoying it as much as I did when I was their age. There is so much going on that it seems like a month long celebration in our house--which the boys love.  It's been fun so far and there is more fun to come as Christmas day draws nearer.  We have captured some of these fun memories in photos--years from now we can look back and see those smiling little faces, those eyes wide with excitement, and remember this Christmas.  It is a time of year when we are thankful for our family and friends.  We're thankful that our boys have everything they need plus a playroom full of cool toys to occupy their time and entertain their minds. This time of year I am thankful for sights, sounds, and smells more so than any other time of year.  The boys still see the magic of Christmas instead of the dreaded hustle and bustle and through their eyes we too have seen the magic of Christmas.  Whether it's watching Logan pick a toy for another child and then drop it in the Toys for Tots box, laughing with them as they wear a silly Christmas hat that sings, or snuggling with them on one of their beds and reading Polar Express before bed--it's been a wonderful couple of weeks. It's Christmastime! I hope you all are enjoying your holiday season as much as we are.

The box we wrapped and filled with breakfast food for the office staff at the boys' school.  Logan went with me to take it and told everyone Merry Christmas.  He received smiles, hugs, and "thank yous"--as we left he smiled and said, "That was fun, mom!"

Decorating the big tree in the yard in the cold and the drizzle.

The boys with Santa!

The Astleys (with Buzz Lightyear)

The boys making Christmas cookies

Monday, December 6, 2010

Alex's 6th Birthday Party

Alex's birthday is December 27th and every year it seems we are rushing around to get home after all of the Christmas festivities, traveling, and craziness and jumping into a party for Alex.  Last year we had his party in late January (weather was kind of factor in that as well) and this year we decided it would be fun to have it early. Our weekends in December were already full, except for the first weekend.  So, we made the invitations, rented the room, and started working on a birthday party for a special little boy.

 Alex and me at his party--Jacob took this picture and Alex is holding up 6 fingers to show that he is (or will be) 6 years old! 

 He wanted a Spider-Man party so we told all of the parents to let the kids come dressed as their favorite super heroes--it was so much fun.

Alex and some of his friends (in costume) playing before the party started

I made little capes with table cloths, packaging tape, and elastic and let the kids color a picture or symbol they wanted and we cut them out and taped them to the capes.  They seemed to be a big hit!

         Alex's finished cape.

 After making the capes we started the games.  We played Pin the Spider on Spider-Man (here is Alex starting off the game) and . . .

We had a bean bag toss game.  Here is Alex's cousin, Luke, and Alex's friends all wearing the capes they made and waiting in line for the bean bag toss game

 Alex with his friends at the party--he had a great time!

 Alex blowing out his candle after we sang "Happy Birthday" to him

                                 My happy boy!

                      Time for cupcakes!

  Logan--my messy boy!

 Opening presents with a little help from daddy!

    Alex and his cousin, Luke

                  Giving goody bags to his friends

  Getting a birthday hug from his Bleu (Jacob's mother)

      Logan showing us how Spider-Man climbs

It was a fun day filled with family and friends and we all enjoyed ourselves.  I can't believe that tiny baby who used to stare at Jacob so intensely is now a soon-to-be 6-year-old boy.  We are very proud of you, Alex, and we love you very much!  Happy Birthday, Bubby!