Every year for one week during Halloween Arcadia Lake is flooded by hoards or parents and little super heroes, princesses, and other characters. This week was the week of Story Book Forest. A couple of years ago Logan was sick so Jacob stayed home with him and Alex and I went with another mom and her son to Story Book Forest. Alex loved it. It was a little crowded, but not too bad. It was fun and totally worth it. We didn't make it to Story Book Forest last year so this year we were determined to take the boys. We knew they'd love it! We thought we were being clever by going on a Wednesday evening--we thought it wouldn't be as crowded as it would on a Friday or Saturday. Either we were completely wrong or there will be so many people there on Friday and Saturday evening that you won't be able to walk because of all the people.
Jacob got home from work and I had our beef stir fry waiting. We ate dinner--possibly a little too fast--helped the boys with their costumes and shoes, grabbed their McDonald's Happy Meal Halloween buckets and we were out the door. We took Jacob's car because the boys rarely get to ride in it and it is a big deal to them when we take Jacob's car. We were driving down the road when we come over a hill and saw a LONG line of cars. We waited in line for quite a while. The boys talked about how excited they were and pointed out horses, cattle, and spider webs in the trees on the side of the road as we slowly crept towards our destination.
We eventually made it to the gate of the lake and gave the woman in the "box" our money. With our tickets in hand we drove on to find a place to park. Car after car after car was all you could see. Men in orange jackets with flash lights were directing people into make-shift parking spaces in the grass. We parked, got out, and put the boys masks on--then, we were off. We walked towards the Forest gates and ended up standing in another long line. The boys enjoyed looking at all the other costumes. The line seemed to move fairly quickly at first and then, as we approached the gate to Story Book Forest they shut the doors. Logan looked up at me through his Optimus Prime mask and said, "Why'd they close the doors, momma? Are they going to let us in?" I explained that they are probably letting us in as groups so it doesn't get too crowded on the trail. He passed the time by talking about the blue, red, and yellow lights that were glowing above us.
Eventually the doors were opened and a couple of kids cheered. We gave our tickets to woman holding a box and then walked through the gates. We ended up behind a young couple who had a little boy dressed as Iron Man. They seemed really nice and the dad and Jacob chatted a bit as we waited in line. The people behind us were a different story--they crowded us and argued with each other. They had a little girl who was maybe two who kept getting away from them and we constantly heard, "Jordan! Get back here! Jordan!" It got old fairly quickly. Logan, who was holding my hand, would look up at me through his mask every so often and say, "Momma, this is so fun. I'm glad we came." That made the entire experience, good or bad, totally worth it!
Logan would walk with his head tilted back and we kept asking if he could see. He kept saying, "Yes," but eventually admitted that he couldn't see but he didn't want to take his mask off. Jacob ended up carrying his mask through the second half of the trail so he could see not only where he was going but also all of the characters, etc. on the trail.
The boys had a blast walking down the trail, seeing all of the story book characters, and getting candy. One stop on the trail was Sleeping Beauty. It was a mannequin laying in a bed and Logan asked who she was. I said, "She is Sleeping Beauty waiting for a Prince to come kiss her and wake her up." Logan said nothing but looked up at me. I said, "Would you want to go give her a kiss and see if she wakes up?" He walked over to her and stopped and said, "Mom! She's not real! She's a doll." We went over to the woman handing out candy and after he got his candy Logan looked up at me again and said, "Mom, if that was Sleeping Beauty why where here eyes open?" It's funny what they notice!
We eventually walked under the big black cat which was the end of the trail and headed to the car. The boys talked about all the story book characters they saw and which ones were their favorites. They had a blast and that is the reason we went.
Here are some pictures of the boys' adventures there!
Alex and Logan waiting patiently in the car as we waited in line and slowly made our way to Arcadia Lake
Finally there and waiting in line again--the boys didn't mind the waiting as much as Jacob and I did-HA!
The gates to Story Book Forest
Rapunzel dropping candy to Alex, Logan, and Jordan--the little girl behind us who kept getting away from her parents. Let me just say that you CAN hold your child's hand. It IS that easy! LOL
Getting candy from the little old lady who lives in a shoe
The boys with the giant spider
Humpty Dumpty--Logan was bothered because he didn't have arms. He said, "Mommy, maybe if he had arms he wouldn't fall!"
Logan trying to pull the sword out of the stone
Alex trying--they didn't want to give up their candy and use both hands so they tried to pull it out with only one hand
Alex and Logan with one of the three little pigs
Looking inside the gingerbread house
Cute! I felt as if I were there. I'm glad you guys finally got to go. Alex and Logan look like they are having lots of fun. I'm glad the weather was nice.