Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Vacation is Officially Here!

Today is Alex's first day of summer vacation.  It was nice not having to rush around this morning and get everyone ready and to school on time.  The boys and I went to the library and I signed up the boys for the summer reading program.  While we were there I let them each pick out three books and one video.  I love taking them to the library and just walking down the aisles of books with them.  We don't read the titles or look for specific books--the boys just start pulling them off the shelves and we take them home and read them.  It might sound like a crazy system but we have discovered many wonderful books this way--books we have never heard of and fell in love with once we read them. 

We ran some errands and did some shopping--the boys were perfect little gentlemen and we had a lot of fun! Today has been a productive day and the boys and I even had the chance to go outside for a bit and look at all the vegetables and fruit growing on our plants.  I ordered "Blueberries for Sal" last week for the boys in honor of Logan's blueberry bush--it arrived today.  This was fitting because while we were outside we noticed that two of the blueberries on the bush were ready to be picked and eaten by an excited 4-year-old boy.

I received a little cookbook from Alex at the Mother's Day Tea that is full of snack recipes.  The children made these snacks every Friday and I hope to start making them with the boys throughout the summer.  The boys love to help in the kitchen so it will be a lot of fun to try!

This is Alex's first summer vacation--in many ways it seems like a big deal. Not only is it his first of many summer vacations, but in a couple of months when school starts he will be in school all day--which will be a big adjustment for all of us. I have a friend who said, "Don't you wish you could stop them from growing up so fast?"  It is a wonderful question--it is also the reason why I spend so much time with my two boys and why we are constantly doing things that they enjoy.  They won't be little forever--we can't pile bricks on their heads to keep them from growing and to keep them little--it just doesn't work that way.  So, we play with them and remind ourselves to enjoy the little things. We have a fun summer ahead of us and I intend to enjoy EVERY moment of it with my boys. 

Happy summer!


  1. I still think we could try the brick thing...just sayin'!

  2. 3 words only for you, sweetie...."YOU GO GIRL!!"
