Friday, February 8, 2013

Gremlins--They Keep Growing and Growing and Growing . . .

Busy.  Things have been . . . busy.  The kids are growing like weeds, which is what we want because that means they're healthy.  Time is going by too fast, though. They are getting too big too fast and I find myself trying to enjoy every second of them while they're still little.  Alex isn't so little anymore. It won't be much longer and his feet will be as big as mine.  He is growing like crazy and is just all arms and legs--one skinny little guy.  He stands even with my shoulder now.  I can't believe it. He is a big help with Kaitlyn and is willing to jump in and help with just about any chore. He seems very mature some days and is so smart.  He is growing into a person that I am happy to say I'm very proud of!  He is very sweet and very independent.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious about all the great things his future holds for him.
Alex playing a game on Jacob's Kindle Fire.  Doesn't he look big??

Kaitlyn is now playing peek-a-boo quite a bit.  It is so much fun.  She has two new teeth and has really developed quite the personality.  She is ornery and happy and when she doesn't get her way she lets you know that you have made her mad.  If you do make her mad she waits for you to reach for her and then she yells at you, turns her back on you (oh so dramatically) and walks away.  I am pretty sure she cusses at me now in her native baby language as well. She has reached an age where she plays really well on her own when she has to and she plays really well with others.  I have a lot of fun playing with her during the day and when Jacob comes home he gets on the floor with her and plays.  Albeit, she spends a good deal of time beating on him, but it's in a playful manner nonetheless.
Kaitlyn playing in the tent her Aunt Susannah gave her.  She sits in there with toys and will play for the longest time.

Logan keeps slimming up and looks more like a big boy each day.  He will be 7 in April and I can't believe it.  Time is going by too fast and my two little guys are quickly becoming big boys.  I knew it would happen one day and I've learned to accept it, but that doesn't mean I have to be a fan of it. Logan has two loose teeth on the bottom.  He hasn't lost any teeth yet and has spent a lot of time sitting and wiggling these two teeth in hopes of yanking them out and getting a visit from the tooth fairy.  He has really discovered a love for art and drawing and spends a lot of his time drawing these days. He is reading like a pro and reads every sign we drive by while in the van and asks what the sign/billboard is about.
Logan at school.  They were playing Bingo and Logan was chosen to read/call out the numbers.  His teacher, Mrs. Barbie Kitchens, took this photo and sent it to me via text message.

I felt that the few family members who read this needed an update because it's been a while.  So, here's to healthy kids who grow up way too fast! :/  Until next time . . .